Biz Bash 2018

“Connect. Collaborate. Cultivate.”

On May 16th Biz Bash is making its way to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. This event is the epicenter for both rookie and established businesses. As their mantra states, Biz Bash is a convention that encourages connection, collaboration, and the cultivation for all types of professionals. As North America’s #1 influencer for innovative style, ideas, and technology— Biz Bash thrives off of its participants and astounding employees. There are 225,000 individuals who look towards this company for advice. Together, they delve into the realm of business, expanding and molding it in a way to pave way for future establishments. The people who make up this company are the fuel that keeps it afloat, allowing them to soar towards greater goals and bigger businesses.

Why Biz Bash?

Biz Bash 2017
Biz Bash 2017

With its accumulated following, they are able to hold in person conventions. Centered around major cities in the United States and Canada, the convention garners the attention of large corporate businesses. Monster companies such as American Express, The Home Depot, and Miami Dolphins all attend. These companies are working to influence and even take their turn to learn from others. It is inevitable for companies to cycle in and out of style, but large companies such as those mentioned are able to keep their stage through tactics found in Biz Bash.

The schedule for the gathering can be found here. With a simple glimpse, you can be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of events that are prepared. From workshops on leveraging data to fundraising for non-profits— the possibilities and opportunities for learning are infinite. Attending just one portion of the event would open up businesses to diverse perspectives and methodologies.

YML is Making its Way!

For this upcoming convention, YML has the phenomenal opportunity to establish connections, inspire, and learn. Building a business into an empire is tedious work. However, through this year’s convention we hope to learn and continue to prosper proudly as YML.

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