The Panama Canal Expansion

The Panama Canal Expansion, serviced by YML Portable Restrooms.

The Panama Canal is a major engineering feat that benefits many countries around the world. The project was overseen by American President Theodore Roosevelt among other world leaders. These individuals wanted to be able to move products and good between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean quickly.

However, attempts before this period had ended in failure.  Panama is a tropical region that brings with it, illnesses such as Malaria and Yellow Fever.

Another obstacle to building the canal was not overcome until 1903. Panama at the time, was part of Columbia and they would not negotiate a proper treaty to build the project. However, in that year, President Roosevelt mobilized the United States military which allowed Panama to become an independent nation. A treaty was signed with the new nation and after payments and a declaration of protection from the United States, building began.

By 1914, the canal was complete in its original form.  Due to the terrain, the Panama Canal is a lock type canal that has areas where the water level is raised and lowered as ships move through mountainous terrain. This new state of the arts system allowed for the most efficient canal to be built.

As newer and larger ships have been built, the Panama Canal has had problems accommodating them.  To fix this issue, the Canal began construction on a third set of locks that could handle these larger vessels. Major ground was broken in 2007 and the project construction encountered few problems.  By June 2016 the expansion was complete. To celebrate this major occasion, leaders from all over the world were present.

It was with great pride that YML Portable Restrooms was also present at this major world changing event.  We were chosen by Magic Dreams Productions to service the Panama Canal Expansion Inauguration Event thanks to the level of comfort and luxury of our units. The professionalism of our staff was a key factor in this decision process.

From large events that change the world, to local venues that are for personal enjoyment, YML Portable Restrooms loves to service these events.  Our professionalism has been verified and our commitment to serving our customers’ needs is top of the line. Visit our website for details.

YML Luxury Portable Restrooms at the Panama Canal in 2016
Panama Canal Inauguration in June 26, 2016
Cocoli Tower at the Panama Canal – Services by YML Portable Restrooms


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