Vegan Block Party: An Introduction To A Healthy Life

The Intersection of Health, Environment, and Animal Welfare

Veganism can be viewed as the intersection of health, environmental stability, and animal welfare. To break it down— think about how food (primarily animal food) is processed. In order for a chicken breast to make it to your local market, it requires a heavy deal of machinery, inspection, and processing. On the other hand, “high-quality plant foods” are actually environmentally friendly. These plant based foods require significantly less resources and therefore, help the environment in the long run. Consequently, with a healthy environment, animals will begin to thrive once again!

In addition to a healthy environment, a vegan will find health benefits for themselves. With the right amount of nutritious greens, or other alternatives like a vegan peanut butter sandwich will show benefits. Benefits such as weight loss, lower blood sugar levels, and a lower risk of heart disease, are only a fraction of what this diet can do.

Join the Vegan Block Party!

A vegan life style is frequently portrayed as a difficult transition in mass media. Going from hamburgers and steaks to a more green diet may seem intimidating to most, but the Vegan Block Party is here to break that stereotype. The Vegan Block Party reflects the three elements of Veganism:

  • Health
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Animal Welfare.

Veganism is overall beneficial, and to convince others to join the party, the Vegan Block Party has emerged. Anyone is invited— friends, family, and your furry friends! Everyone is invited to “eat, drink, & vibe” to their heart’s content. A variety of vendors will be presented, all locked and loaded with samples for everyone to try.

Swing by and get a bite of acclaimed plant based brands, and try out some eco-friendly items, and organic clothing. On October 6 from 5-9pm join the Vegan Block Party and celebrate the health of yourself, your environment, and its critters and creatures.

YML’s Contribution

YML applauds Vegan Block Party on their activism to promote veganism. Their tenacity in spreading veganism in a manner that is open and friendly is something to be celebrated. YML also would like to thank the Vegan Block Party for choosing YML for our services! YML will be providing our Executive Portable Restrooms. For a large event such as the Vegan Block Party, it’s only expected to be equipped with the most luxurious portable restrooms. Vegan Block Party goers will visit our restrooms and see how YML will also upgrade their life!

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